Apply to join us as a tutor

Founded in 2012 to unite London’s professional tutors, we were looking to achieve a different working model from the big London tutoring agencies. We do not charge commission on our hourly London rates: tutors earn the entirety of their fee. We therefore attract and retain the very best tutors across the teaching profession.

We aim to grow through controlled organic growth, recruiting new members only where they meet our standard of excellence. Our uncompromising focus on quality control is maintained through:

  • frequent group training;
  • peer review and supervision;
  • parent and student feedback;
  • commitment to our Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics; and
  • independent oversight.

We welcome – and read – all applications. We will endeavour to inform you whether or not we would like to meet you for an interview within one week of your application.

Our tutors are also offered the pick of tutoring opportunities abroad.

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